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Kin Essentials LLC

Hair Protein Oil

Hair Protein Oil

Regular price $7.00 USD
Regular price $7.99 USD Sale price $7.00 USD
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  • A multi botanical protein nourishing oil, crafted to stimulate growth and create illuminous soft curls. This exquisite blend of over 6 different oils supports ALL hair types (natural, permed, or relaxed) by revitalizing and rejuvenating from scalp to ends. 
  • Kin’s Hair Protein Oil will soothe your irritated scalp, preventing dryness so you can enjoy a crown of fresh and healthy voluminous mane.
  • Will stop excessive hair shedding.  


Apply approximately 5-7 drops all over the scalp, tilt head downwards, and massage in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes. The longer you massage the better since it will improve blood circulation to your scalp. Oil is very lightweight to use throughout the strands of your hair. Leave in overnight the day before wash day for best results. 

*It does not need to be washed out.

Can use oil daily, however 3-5 times weekly is optimal for results!

 *** Oil is great for ALL HAIR TYPES: Permed, Relaxed, or Natural! 


Vitamin E Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Avocado Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Jojoba Oil, Hempseed Oil, Peppermint Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Natural Fragrance Oil



  • This oil contains nuts! If you have a nut allergy, please AVOID!
  • May cause skin irritation on some individuals.  A skin test is recommended prior to use of product.
  • This product is not a cure for hair loss. It will help reduce shedding, assist in faster growth, but if you have any outside factors causing your hair to fall out such as alopecia, stress, and medication it will not cure the problem, only help your follicles to recover from it.
  • This product is not for children under the age of 3 years old.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.


Additional Tips:

Results include more than just the product alone. Avoid using heat and bleaching.

Eat healthy and drink plenty of water, it will accelerate the process!

Product is for both males and females.

**120 ml bottle should last approximately 6-12 months**

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